
Pupils’ Misconceptions about Breathing at ISCED 2 Level

Denisa Čolláková, Elena Čipková, Zuzana Haláková


volume: 30
year: 2021
issue: 1
fulltext: PDF

online publishing date: 24/3/2021
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2021.1.2
ISSN (Online): 2533-7556

Licence Creative Commons
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This contribution is focused on the identification of pupils’ misconceptions while studying the topic “The Breathing Process”. The pupils were researching recent ideas regarding the breathing process of plants, animals and human beings. Some researchers have found that this topic is not easy for pupils to understand. Problems on different levels of comprehension are evident, not only on a particular level (on the ”surface”, but even in the core concept), but also on a complex level. The research sample consisted of 7th grade pupils attending Slovak primary schools. The research method was a phenomenographic interview with a 20-question framework. The duration of each interview was 35 to 40 minutes. We took down, transcribed and analyzed 15 interviews with 601 different statements. According to the tried-and-true seven-step methodology of Sjöström and Dahlgren (2002) and Khan (2014) we analyzed, in detail, all of the transcriptions. The pupils’ statements were categorized into seven groups (misconceptions, dogmatic, acceptable, naive, unanswered, misunderstood statements, and other types). Concrete examples are mentioned and analyzed, and according to this 16 misconceptions were identified in “The Breathing Process” topic, which are described, in detail, in the contribution.


misconceptions, breathing, phenomographic interview

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