
Race versus ethnic group

Lucie Hlaváčová


volume: 28
year: 2019
issue: 2
fulltext: PDF

online publishing date: 15/6/2019
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2019.2.4
ISSN (Online): 2533-7556

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The article presents a brief historical context of scientific approaches in biology, especially on evolutionary biology, which is reflected in the categorization of human populations. From the point of view of scientific approaches, it appears that the term „human race“ has no relevant explanation resulting from instability of physical characteristics and inappropriate genetic kinship within individual races. Instead the new term of „human ethnic group“ which accept the ‘biocultural’ approach to human variation appeared. The article presents the consequences of these two terms in the historical context of scientific approaches in biology. It suggested that the human biology is structured by ethnicity including social and cultural factors rather than physical aspects. The regular change of biological thinking from the morphology of organisms to organism's genes their patterns of behavior in the populations and development of sociobiology and cultural anthropology which is also reflected in the categorization of human groups is outlined. Classification of people to ethnic groups involves a change in the approach of exploring mankind but it is not a prevention of racism, as some authors believe. In addition, the term of race, although it is not scientific relevant for a long time, is still a part of the school lessons, or textbooks of biology and geography.


race, ethnic group, biological evolution, genes, culture, school science

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