
Horse-chestnut at school – reproductive organs

Petr Novotný, Vanda Janštová


volume: 28
year: 2019
issue: 3
fulltext: PDF

online publishing date: 30/9/2019
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2019.3.1
ISSN (Online): 2533-7556

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This paper is dedicated to horse chesnut as a suitable model organism for teaching botany at all levels of our schools. Horse chestnut is literally predisposed to didacticisation in botany teaching due to its general distribution, large and conspicuous organs; we are basically sure that pupils really know it. The paper focuses mainly on the morphological and anatomical characters that can be demonstrated during teaching biology; topics that are conspicuously or typically developed – firstly its origin (geographic and etymological), later it is devoted to vegetative and finally reproductive organs. The parasite horse-chestnut leaf miner is also discussed. It provides a description of all aspects and broader contexts that can be beneficial in school teaching; this paper does not attempt to present this information in the form of a project proposal or comprehensive activities, rather it should inspire and encourage laboratory and field work in biology classes in common ways – we believe that teachers will choose activities that are appropriate for their teaching. In addition to botanical content, the paper also links to the teaching of microbiology or chemistry to facilitate the use of interdisciplinary topics both in biology and in the natural sciences. The paper is divided in two following up parts; this is the second part that focuses on reproductive organs.


Model organism, anatomy, morphology, plants, field excursion, Aesculus hippocastanum, botany instruction, experiment

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