Teachers’ opinions on the opportunities for increasing the attractiveness of the subjects Introduction to Science, Natural Science, Natural History, and Biology at primary and secondary schools.
A number of studies show that the interest of pupils in primary and secondary schools in science subjects is declining. Most Czech authors study this issue from the perspective of pupils. The aim of our research was therefore to learn the opinions of, and hear suggestions from, teachers on the opportunities for making education more attractive and increasing the popularity of the subjects Introduction to Science, Natural Science, Natural History, and Biology in primary and secondary schools and to compare these school levels with one another. The research was carried out by qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with twelve active teachers from the Liberec region who teach the above-mentioned subjects at the first stage of basic school (= ISCED 1; 4 teachers), the second stage of basic school (= ISCED 2; 4 teachers), and at the higher and lower levels of grammar school (= ISCED 2+3; 4 teachers). The respondents mentioned that everything depends on the teacher, the age, the social composition of the pupils, and also on the topic taught. Among the topics that are attractive to students, teachers named, for example, human biology and zoology, especially regarding mammals. On the contrary, the students considered the themes focused on minerals and rocks and botany to be unattractive. Most teachers mentioned that they like to teach topics that are popular with students. The popularity of the subject can be increased, for example, by the use of visual aids and short videos and by the inclusion of inquiry-based research teaching. The pupils also appreciate the inclusion of practical examples and knowledge that they can use in their everyday lives.
natural science subjects, attractiveness, popularity, obstacles, teaching methods, teachers‘ opinions
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