Poisonous amphibians
Some amphibians are poisonous, they produce toxins to defend themselves against predators or bacterial and fungal pathogens. With exception of certain salamanders (e.g. Pleurodeles waltl) and frogs (e.g. Corythomantis greeningi, Aparasphenodon brunoi), amphibians are not known to actively inject venom into bodies of other organisms. Poison dart frogs (Dendrobatidae) are well known for their brightly coloured skin. The frogs’ poison is found in special glands in their skin. This poison is so efficient that the native people of the South American Amazon rainforest use the frogs’ toxins on their weapons. Some people use the bufotoxins of some species of toxic toads (e.g. Bufo bufo, Incillus calvarius) as source of psychoactive substances, though this can be very dangerous.
amphibians, poisonous animals, bufotoxins
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