
Subject Matters of Experiments and Observations of Water Animals in School Aquarium X (Rearing of Water Scorpions, Nepidae)

Lubomír Hanel


volume: 30
year: 2021
issue: 2
fulltext: PDF

online publishing date: 30/8/2021
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2021.2.2
ISSN (Online): 2533-7556

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The rearing of two species of water scorpions (Heteroptera, Nepidae) in school aquaria is described in this contribution. The bodies of water scorpions are cylindrical (Ranatra linearis) or flattened (Nepa cinerea) with a siphon to pierce the water surface for air. Their bodies resemble sticks or leaves allowing them to remain motionless as sit-and-wait predators along the edges of ponds or streams waiting for prey to come within reach of their mantid-like forelegs. They are poor swimmers, but able to propel themselves with jerky leg motions. The body of Ranatra linearis is brown, typically 30–45 mm long. Their breathing tube tail is usually about as long as the body of the insect. The adults can fly. Stridulations and vibrations were reported for the forelegs of Ranatra with a femoral plectrum and coxal pars stridens. Nepa cinerea, like Ranatra linearis, live in ponds, slow running waters, stagnant water, canals, and wetlands with aquatic plants and plant debris. They feed upon aquatic animals, especially insects. Nepa cinerea are blackish brown in colour and usually measure 14–23 millimetres. Upon being disturbed, Nepa and Ranatra show thanatosis; they can stay motionless for a long time. The stings of both Nepa and Ranatra are painful for humans. Some experiments and observations suitable for school aquaria are suggested (e.g., habitat preference, food behaviour, thanatosis, reaction to light).


water scorpions, Ranatra linearis, Nepa cinerea, school aquarium, rearing, observations

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