
Potential of Sketchnoting as Tool to Support Learning for Geography

Stela Csachová, Daniela Kidonová


volume: 30
year: 2021
issue: 3
fulltext: PDF

online publishing date: 8/12/2021
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2021.3.2
ISSN (Online): 2533-7556

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Sketchnoting is a method of non-linear note-taking using text and visual elements. The product of sketchnoting is a sketchnote – a visual-textual object that captures information from the words heard. Information is represented by text, symbols, arrows, frames, and other visual elements. Sketchnoting emanates from the theory of dual coding and the theory of multimedia learning, which are based on the fact that a learner retains information more permanently if he/she processes it verbally and visually at the same time. Sketchnoting is applicable to the learning process, as in the course of creation of a sketchnote, a learner concentrates, thinks and evaluates what to record, distinguishes the relevance of information, and works with his/ her imagination. In this paper, we address sketchnoting as a tool to support learning and it shows examples from the content of the subject of geography. With this paper, our aim is to disseminate this method to geography teachers.


geography, note-taking, sketchnoting, learning

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