
The Mole—Botanical Illustration for Young and Old

Jana Poupová


volume: 31
year: 2022
issue: 4
fulltext: PDF

online publishing date: 2/3/2023
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2022.4.2
ISSN (Online): 2533-7556

Licence Creative Commons
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The article deals with simple tasks on morphology and systematics of plants that make use of Zdenek Miler‘s illus­trations from children‘s books about the Mole, namely the book How the Mole Came to the Underpants and The Mole and the Spring. Miler‘s illus­trations are pretty colorful and pleasing, and depict common species of our flora that are quite easy to recognize. This opens up an opportunity for teachers to use them as a real botanical illustration and thus make tasks that practice morphological terminology and plant identification more attractive to students. This approach could also help in situations where teachers do not have enough live material due to the time of year or do not have the opportunity to prepare a botan- ical excursion. The tasks mainly consist in identifying plants and describing them (determining leaf shapes, leaf position on the stem, leaf veins, types of flowers, etc.). In addition to supporting motivation, this topic has another dimension that is easily lost in biology classes: It shows the studied organisms as something that can enchant us with their beauty and become a source of artistic inspiration. It is up to the teacher whether this topic prompts him to look at other authors‘ illustrations in a similar way, or whether it leads him to a broader reflection on the advantages and disadvantages of botanical drawings versus photographs.


botanical illustration, Mole, Zdenek Miler, teaching

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