Factors Affecting Willingness to Provide First Aid and Their Use in Teaching First Aid
The obligation to provide first aid is imposed on the citizens of the Czech Republic by legal norms. This is also why the teaching of first aid is included in the curriculum at different levels of education. Nevertheless, when first aid is needed, we find that it is not adequately provided. People's actions in each situation can be influenced by various factors. Many of those factors can lead to a decrease in willingness to help. According to professional studies, the most common inhibiting factors include the presence of danger, fear of infection, panic and stress, ignorance of the correct procedures, and general fear. However, most of such information is based on foreign research. This study’s aim was to find out which factors are the most limiting for Czech citizens in regards to the provision of first aid. Based on the results of this study, it is possible to suggest the effectiveness of teaching first aid. The study was carried out through a questionnaire aimed at the Czech public (N=1594). The analysis of the results showed similar results to those found abroad that the most important factors in the Czech context are safety, the influence of emotions (e.g., disgust or fear), and insufficient knowledge of first aid procedures. We recommend that first aid courses focus on the factors that can reduce the willingness to provide first aid and that the recommendations of the European Resuscitation Council (Guidelines) are adhered to when teaching.
first aid, first aid training, willingness to help, safety, disgust
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