
Didactic Materials for the Independent Work of Pupils During the First Aid Training

Radim Kuba, Zdeňka Hubínková


volume: 32
year: 2023
issue: 3
fulltext: PDF

online publishing date: 24/1/2024
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2023.3.4
ISSN (Online): 2533-7556

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Practical exercises should form an essential component of high-quality first aid courses. However, incorporating them into school curricula often encounters several challenges. Among the most prevalent issues are the insufficient availability of resources, primarily resuscitation mannequins, and the relatively large class sizes. These factors can result in limited space for effective hands-on exercises for every student within a single class session. To address this, one potential solution involves dividing the students into smaller groups. In this approach, the teacher can focus individually on guiding practical exercises for one group, while the remaining students engage in alternate activities, such as completing independent worksheets. The groups can subsequently rotate, ensuring that all students receive dedicated attention during the lesson. Consequently, the objective of our research was to develop a collection of educational tasks designed to be compiled into worksheets, facilitating independent work among students. We devised a total of nine distinct task types, presented in four different variations (yielding a total of 36 tasks), and organized them into four comprehensive worksheets. Subsequently, we evaluated the practicality of these worksheets through a trial involving 86 elementary school pupils. The assessment questionnaire indicated that the tasks were highly practical, comprehensible, suitably challenging, and relatively enjoyable, according to the feedback from the students. The paper contains more detailed information about the evaluation process, as well as a link to download all of the prepared worksheets, including the author's solutions and methodological recommendations for teachers.


pupils, first aid, worksheets, teaching, individual work

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