Subject Matter of Experiments and Observations of Water Animals in School Aquarium XIX (Pond Slater, Asellus Aquaticus, Isopoda)
The Pond pond slater (Asellus aquaticus) is common throughout the temperate zone, including Europe, Asia, and North America. It is found in rivers, streams, and standing waters, particularly where there are plenty of stones can be found. It hides under these stones and is a under which it hides. It is a detritivore. Pond The pond slater is relatively tolerant of a range of pollutants and has been used as an specific indicator of water quality. Asellus aquaticus can breed throughout the year, if the temperature is high enough: . they They do not breed under in cold temperatures. Maturity can be reached in only a few months under in warm summer temperatures, but maturation may take as much as two years in permanently cold water bodies of water (e.g., high-latitude or mountain waters). Females carry eggs in a brood pouch (i.e., marsupium) underneath their body. Aquarists worldwide are showing increasing interest towards the pond slater as a low-maintenance freshwater aquarium pet and tank cleaner. It is also often sold as live food for other fish. In this contribution , are presented some observations and experiments with pond slaters in school aquaria are presented.
school aquarium, rearing, pond slater, Asellus aquaticus, Isopoda, observations
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