
Scientific text or internet comments and their influence on pupils' opinions

Lucie Hlaváčová, Radka Holanová


volume: 33
year: 2024
issue: 2
fulltext: PDF

online publishing date: 9/10/2024
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2024.2.2
ISSN (Online): 2533-7556

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The topic of the conducted research is the influence of discussion comments on the formation of the opinions of readers, respectively pupils, and on the nature of their subsequent reactions upon reading a presented scientific text. The research tool used is a form with the initial text of the media release and several subsequent discussion posts. The initial text deals with an ecological process, the trophic cascade, which is clarified using the example of the return of wolves to Yellowstone National Park and their impact on the entire ecosystem. However, within the discussion comments on the given text, four different versions of the form appear, differing only in the reactions of the discussion comments. The purpose of these differences is to find out whether the comments on the media's science communication have an influence on the formation of the opinion of the discussants and how they manifest themselves in the discussion. 309 pupils of lower and upper secondary education took part in the research. The results indicate that due to the occurrence of certain types of comments, pupils react in different ways in the discussion. For example, it turned out that in the case of comments appealing to the fear of wolves, the students also expressed certain fears about wolves significantly more often, but on the other hand, opinions expressing disagreement with the comments were also the most common. Uncovering certain influences of discussion comments makes it possible to respond appropriately and significantly contribute to the development of media literacy, and therefore also science literacy.


media education, critical thinking, science literacy, Yellowstone National Park, wolves

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