
Simulation of Blood Groups Test

Lukáš Rokos, Jana Lišková


volume: 27
year: 2018
issue: 2
fulltext: PDF
elektronická příloha

online publishing date: 15/6/2018
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2018.2.1
ISSN (Online): 2533-7556

Licence Creative Commons
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This inquiry task was created because of the problems that students have with understanding of the blood groups problematics, mainly the concepts of antigens and antibodies. It is not allowed to use real blood in biology lessons at elementary or secondary schools and present the principles of blood tests to students so this inquiry task enables to explain this problematics by usage of artificial substances representing blood groups and serums prepared from common substances within practical works. Students at lower- or upper-level of secondary school have possibility to understand the principle of blood test in an interesting and funny way. Moreover, they are able to acquire the knowledge about this problematics as well as new skills because they can try to perform the blood tests on their own. The task was verified with students from university, elementary school and grammar school and it was found that the majority of students was able to explain the principle of blood group testing, process of agglutination after performing the task.


blood groups, biology education, inquiry task

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