
Simple Interface for Computer-aided Pupils' Experiments

Štěpánka Kubínová, Ivana Šraňková, Jan Šlégr


volume: 27
year: 2018
issue: 3
fulltext: PDF
elektronická příloha

online publishing date: 1/10/2018
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2018.3.3
ISSN (Online): 2533-7556

Licence Creative Commons
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A wide range of computer-aided experimental sets is available on the market, whether it is the Czech iSES system, which has been developing and constantly improving by assoc. prof. Lustig from the Faculty of mathematics and physics of the Charles University, or various foreign systems (Vernier, Pasco, IP Coach, etc.). This article aims to familiarize the public with the possibilities that exist in this area and to show that there is no need to fear the construction of such experimental sets. This article describes the fundamentals of computer measurement (AD conversion) and the properties of Arduino card, which can be the basis of an inexpensive measurement device, whether with or without the computer. At the end, the measurement of CO2 production by plants is described.


Computer-aided measurement, teaching aids, school experiments

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