What gives rum its aroma – is ethyl formate indeed dangerous rum ether?
Tuzemák, formerly called Tuzemský rum (domestic rum), is a traditional Czech alcoholic beverage which originated in Austria-Hungary as a cheap substitute for rum. It is produced by flavouring ethanol with rum ether, sugar and vanillin. In 2017 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a report on safety of rum ether which caused a stir in the Czech Republic. Conclusions of the study were misinterpreted in a series of articles in Czech newspapers and websites. Notion that ethyl formate is identical to rum ether was one of the erroneous information presented. Rum ether is a complex mixture of volatile substances obtained by distillation of the esterification products of pyroligneous acid (wood vinegar, a by-product of wood pyrolysis) and ethyl alcohol, under oxidative conditions in the presence of sulfuric acid and manganese dioxide. Ethanol, acetic acid and ethyl esters of acetic, formic and propionic acid are the major constituents of the rum ether. The Panel of EFSA experts concluded that some of the minor components of the rum ether (aliphatic alcohols, furan and its derivatives and α, β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds) are carcinogenic substances and might present health risk. The warning issued by EFSA means that safety of the rum ether should be proven by thorough toxicological testing. The key odorants of the rum differ from major components of the rum ether. The most active odorants in the rum are ethanol, carbonyl compounds (β-damascenone, 3-methylbutanal, diacetyl, vanillin), ethyl esters of higher aliphatic carboxylic acids, lactones, diethyl acetals of aldehydes and phenol derivatives.
Ethyl formate, rum ether, rum aroma
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