
Taxidermal Mounts of the Fish Body

Martin Chlad, Jan Řezníček


volume: 29
year: 2020
issue: 1
fulltext: PDF

online publishing date: 30/3/2020
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2020.1.1
ISSN (Online): 2533-7556

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The paper presents the new methodology of dermoplastic mounts of whole fish. It is intended primarily for science and biology teachers. The results are based on mapping out both modern and traditional methods of fish taxidermy. By empirical verification and introduction of new methods, a comprehensive manual of fish taxidermy was created. It can serve as a useful didactic tool. The methodology also describes the issue of obtaining and storing fish samples. A prerequisite for an exemplary taxidermy is deep knowledge of fish anatomy and the methodology can also be used as a guide possible anatomical autopsy. The output of the practical part of the thesis are dermoplastic models of fish, which have become part of the sample at the Department of Biology and Environmental Studies of the Faculty of Education of Charles University, where they are intended for educational purposes. The methodological part of the thesis evaluates the experience gained during the process of model creation. Some recommendations have been made regarding the suitability of the necessary materials and tools, the choice of method and its advantages and disadvantages, such as the formation of eyes for the resulting taxidermy or the use of modern filling materials, polystyrene forms, etc. It also provides pedagogical suggestions for teachers and draws attention to possible interdisciplinary overlaps.


dermoplastic mounts, fish taxidermy, taxidermy, didactic tools, fish, methodology

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