
Model Representation of Cooperative Teaching Approach Via “The Sources of Hydrocarbons” Topic

Radoslava Karpeľová, Zuzana Haláková


volume: 30
year: 2021
issue: 1
fulltext: PDF

online publishing date: 24/3/2021
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2021.1.1
ISSN (Online): 2533-7556

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Nowadays, many teachers try to add cooperative teaching and learning to common and non-traditional lessons. This approach is realizable in various science topics or in parts of them. There are several basic principles of cooperative learning: positive dependence on others, individual responsibility, interaction, social relationships, and working in groups. In this contribution, a possibility for applying and organizing this approach in the topic “The Sources of Carbohydrates” (characteristics, mining, utilization, fossil fuels, impact on the environment) for 9th grade pupils at primary schools or for 4th grade pupils at eight-year secondary schools is outlined. We have selected three teaching and learning methods according to the content which support cooperative learning during different phases of a chemistry lesson: method of association, snowballing, and the Six Thinking Hats method. It is possible to develop many of the pupils’ key competencies: to educate them how to be responsible for their own knowledge and the process of learning, help them become more self-confident, develop argumentation skills, teach them to listen to others’ views and see a problem from a different point of view, and how to learn and work in pairs or in small groups. In each example, the theoretical background of the method, the topic appropriate for realization, and the instructions for concrete performance during the lesson are provided.


cooperative learning, method of association, snowballing, Six Thinking Hats method, sources of carbohydrates

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