Biology Lesson for Life
Stroke and ischemic heart diseases are some of the most common causes of death in the world. The HOBIT project was created to increase awareness of these diseases and increase the number of people who are able to recognize them and respond correctly. The project is aimed mainly at pupils in primary schools and multi-year grammar schools, but the general public can also join in. The project is targeted at easily recognizing the symptoms, providing first aid, and quickly calling an ambulance. Everyone can save a life.
Stroke, myocardial infarction, HOBIT, project, first aid, symptoms, FAST
WHO (2020). The top 10 causes of death. Dostupné z: 10-causes-of-death
HUTYRA, M., ŠAŇÁK, D., BARTÁKOVÁ, A., & TÁBORSKÝ, M. (2011). Kardioembolizační ischemické cévní mozkové příhody. Grada Publishing, a. s., Praha
WAFA, H., WOLFE, CH., EMMETT, E., ROTH, G., JOHNSON, C., & WANG, Y. (2020). Burden of stroke in Europe: Thirty-Year Projections of Incidence, Prevalence, Deaths, and Disability-Adjusted Life Years. American Hearth Association.
MIKULÍK, R., & POKORNÁ, H. (2009). Povědomí o CMP u žáků základních a středních škol v ČR. Dostupné z:
VONDRÁČKOVÁ, L., & MIKULÍK, R. (2017). Public stroke education: Current status worldwide and projects to increase awareness in the Czech Republic. Cor et Vasa [online]. ISSN 00108650. Crvasa.2016.12.004
MÁLEK, J., & KNOR, J. (2019). Lékařská první pomoc v urgentních stavech. Grada Publishing, a. s., Praha
FNUSA-ICRC (2013). Projekt HOBIT. Brno. Dostupné z: /index.php/cz/
SOBOTKOVÁ, P., SVOBODOVÁ, V., & POKORNÁ, H. (2015). Education of children about stroke and heart attack: Feasibility and effectiveness pilot study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences [online]. ISSN 0022510x.
MIKULÍK, R., VONDRÁČKOVÁ, L., POKORNÁ, H., SVOBODOVÁ, V., GRECU, A. M., VÍTOVEC, J., NEUMANN, J., & SUCHÝ, O. (2019). Feasibility and efficacy of an educational programme to increase awareness of stroke and heart attack in children [online]. Dostupné z: