
Investigation of Elements of Propositional Logic in the Context of Scientific and Mathematical Problems

Katarína Szarka, Zoltán Fehér, Ladislav Jaruska, Eva Tóthová Tarová, Andrea Vargová


volume: 31
year: 2022
issue: 1
fulltext: PDF

online publishing date: 17/5/2022
DOI: 10.14712/25337556.2022.1.2
ISSN (Online): 2533-7556

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Mathematical thinking is an integral part of the skills needed to solve not only problems in science subjects but also in everyday life. Propositional logic as a mathematical discipline forms the basic apparatus for logical reasoning that fundamentally supports scientific thinking. The current study presents the results of empirical research, which focused on analyses of the solution of tasks containing selected elements of propositional logic formulated in various subject-specific contexts. The focus group of our interest was students in the post-formal cognitive developmental stage. Our research was aimed at finding out how successfully the respondents can solve the given types of tasks; how respondents evaluate the difficulty of the tasks, and whether there are differences in the success rates of solving individual tasks according to the subject-specific context.


mathematical thinking, science education, propositional logic

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