Subject matters of experiments and observations of water animals in school aquarium xx (gammaridae, amphipoda)
Gammarus is an amphipod crustacean genus in the family Gammaridae. The body is laterally flattened. The head bears two pairs of antennae (the first pair is longer) and three pairs of mouthparts. There are differently shaped limbs on the seven free thoracic joints. The first two pairs of limbs (gnathopods) are pincer-like and serve to grasp food. Most of the thoracic limbs bear gill projections (used for breathing) and, in females, also a projection (oostegite), which is involved in the formation of the fetal chamber (marsupium). The buttock is seven-segmented, ending in two-branched uropods. When moving in shallow water and on the ground, they push off the bottom with the help of their chest limbs and pull their bottombuttock along. The whole body lies on its side. Sometimes freshwater shrimps move along the bottom upright for a certain distance, using their limbs for a certain distance and upright. Plant They feed on plant parts and the remains of animals (e.g., oligochaetes) appear in the food. In the freshwater shrimps G. roeselii and G. fossarum, the male joins the female before actual copulation. The male is larger and clings to her back. Both sexes swim together for several days. After the female “undresses”, copulation takes place. After copulation, the female lays eggs (8–60) in the marsupium. Our The most common species in the Czech Republic is G. fossarum, found in gently flowing waters and mountain streams. It is most often found in places with a smaller less strong current, where there is sedimentation of plant remains, or under stones, in stands of aquatic vegetation. It is demanding on the oxygen content in the water and therefore cannot be found in the littoral of stagnant waters. The This article paper provides breeding instructions and ideas for observing freshwater shrimps in a school aquarium. The possibility of breeding the foreign freshwater shrimp Hyalella azteca is also mentioned.
school aquarium, amphipod crustacean Gammarus, breeding, observations
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